Contrabart, a member of the world's premier Global Trade Alliance, gives you the resources you need to improve your bottom line. Thousands of business owners and professionals already trade in the Global Trade Alliance. Earn Trade Dollars from these new customers and put your new purchasing power to work running your business, expanding your operations, or enhancing your personal standard of living without spending cash.
500,000php up to 1,000,000php
Interest free line of credit for all new business’s that join before the end of October!
Welcome to a new experience in global online trading at Contrabart...
Contrabart, a member of the world's premier Global Trade Alliance, gives
you the resources you need to improve your bottom line. Thousands of business owners and professionals already trade in the Global Trade Alliance. Earn Trade Dollars from these new customers and put your new purchasing power to work running your business, expanding your operations, or enhancing your personal standard of living without spending cash. Unlike being a member of a small independent barter exchange, member's of trade exchanges that participate in the Global Trade Alliance are empowered with online worldwide trading combined with a broker-centric network of barter professionals to assist you in facilitating trades locally, across the country or across the globe. Enhance your trading experience and visit and apply for a trade account today.
Join this month of July for 5,000php membership and received a 4,000php discount.
Guaranteed new sales – we find the buyers for you!
For further information call Richard Lucas +639157274597 / +639222084500
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Welcome to Contrabart
Thousands of business owners and professionals already trade in our global trade alliance. Earn Trade Dollars from these new customers and put your new purchasing power to work running your business, expanding your operations, or enhancing your personal standard of living without spending cash.
What Is Barter?
barter into your everyday business practice has become a necessity to
grab your share of the revenue from this enormous business potential.
Learn the fundamentals of barter but, more importantly, expand your
creativity and implement these new ideas to generate profits.
Benefits of Barter
Businesses large and small choose to barter in order to gain specific benefits
Retail Trade
Corporate Barter
International Countertrade
Why Businesses Barter
Department of Commerce says that barter in its various forms accounts
for about thirty percent of the world's total business. The
International Reciprocal Trade Association (IRTA) recently announced
that U.S. barter transacted through commercial barter brokers now
exceeds $8 billion annually. Over 250,000 U.S. businesses actively use
organized barter.
There are many good reasons why more and more businesses worldwide are bartering their products and services, but underlying them all is one fundamental business motivation; businesses profit. Airlines and restaurants can fill empty seats, hotels and resorts can fill empty rooms, printers can fill press downtime, professionals can fill empty time slots, health care professionals can treat new patients. Business owners and professionals can then take this newfound revenue and reduce cash expenses or expand their operations. Businesses across America are taking a serious look at barter as a way to build their bottom line, and the rapid growth of the online barter industry can only mean that American business likes what today's barter industry has to offer.
is the best way to use Trade Dollars to attract cash business.
Advertising media, including radio, television, magazines, newspapers,
billboards, and direct mail, are all available on trade. After all,
there's no way to store advertising media and sell it later, so media
companies welcome trade.
If a minute of available advertising time passes at a radio station without an advertiser buying it, that minute is lost forever. It can't be put back on the shelf and sold tomorrow. The same is true in various ways for all other advertising media. Bartered advertising is very affordable, particularly since your Trade Dollar income generally represents new business. This means the cost basis in your bartered advertising dollars is very low. For example, a restaurant may have food costs representing 30 percent of the price of a meal. Since barter represents new business the restaurant would have been unlikely to attract, the actual cash cost of those Trade Dollars is 30 cents on the dollar. There is no additional cost in rent, electricity, insurance, payroll, etc. to service the additional business. The only expense is the incremental cost of the food. Using Trade Dollars, the restaurant can buy advertising to bring in new cash business for less than a third of the regular cash cost. And advertising is a readily available barter commodity, one that represents an immediate opportunity to generate new cash business. In the example above, the restaurant has tripled the purchasing power of its actual cash cost. Not everyone recognizes the opportunities barter represents, but anyone can learn. It just takes some creative minds and exposure to new ideas to fit barter into your every day way of doing business.
Equity Trading
shares of stock is a new trend gaining popularity in the investment and
securities arena. Typically companies will sell restricted stock for
Trade Dollars which is a form of currency recognized by the ATO. They
can then use the Trade Dollars to offset cash marketing costs with trade
thus marketing the stock and advertising the company to gain name
recognition and market share.
Other cash expenses that can be offset with trade purchases include design of company logos and collateral materials, printing of annual reports, 10Ks and 10Qs, legal services, Internet site design and a host of other services typically needed to launch an IPO. Pre-IPO companies can also use stock sales to build a Trade Dollar reserve which may be used as assets. Or, Trade Dollars can be used to purchase other hard assets such as real estate. Companies should always do their due diligence by discussing these concepts with their advisor or accountant to determine their feasibility. An added benefit to companies that sell stock for Trade Dollars is the accrual of new investors who talk about their investment to friends, family and associates who can become potential cash investors thus creating demand for the stock and trading activity. Since Trade Dollars come from excess capacity or from additional new business and have a low incremental cash cost, many investors can be more aggressive and take chances in investing in new companies. Because Contrabart members can earn Trade Dollars without significantly affecting cash flow, investors can buy speculative stocks and wait for share values to go up. Once the restriction expires, it's possible to turn trade investments into cash.
Employee Benefits
benefits represent a major cash cost for most businesses and are
rapidly becoming unaffordable for many small businesses. Barter
represents an opportunity to cut costs and generate cash income for
savvy business owners.
It doesn't matter whether the company has many employees or just a few. There are holiday and tourist attractions, motor vehicle repairs, chiropractic physicians, health spas, day care, and other employee benefits that are available for Trade Dollars. Providing employees with better benefits purchased on trade can help small businesses attract and keep skilled employees. Another approach is to make benefits available to employees at reduced cost. For example, an employer might pay for day care at a local centre on trade, then offer the service to employees at half price as a payroll deduction. The employee receives a significant saving on a valuable fringe benefit. The employer reduces its payroll cost, and the expense provides a tax deduction. Another benefit is a dentist or optometrist. In these cases employers can send an employee to a Contrabart dentist, then submit the bill to the insurance company for reimbursement in cash.
Earn Cash While Selling on Trade
businesses can also generate cash as a by-product of earning Trade
Dollars. Hotels and resorts are a good example of this process.
The mortgage, insurance and utilities on a hotel are fixed, whether the hotel is fully occupied or nearly empty. The incremental cost of filling an unused room is minimal. To pay for the extra house cleaning, laundry, and complimentary items such as soaps and shampoos, it costs about $20 per room night. But just think about how much cash revenue that twenty dollars can generate. The people staying in that room order room service, buy sodas from the machine, magazines and gifts from the gift shop and eat in the restaurant. It's even more lucrative if it is a resort. When a destination resort offers sports, tours and entertainment, visitors spend a lot of money on peripherals. The hotel has generated cash it would not have had while producing full value for the room in Trade Dollars. In addition to the new cash flow, the hotel can use the Trade Dollars to offset cash expenses.
Turn Trade Dollars into Cash
We believe that virtually every Contrabart
member regularly pays cash for something that could be bought on trade,
which can then be resold for cash. If you can't find it yourself, your
broker will be happy to assist you.
For example, one of our clients is a magazine. One of its major expenses is colour separations. We found another business that does separations and signed them up specifically for the magazine client. The pre-press company does the separations and film on trade, and the magazine charges cash to its advertisers. With the help of a creative broker, the magazine now turns its Trade Dollars directly into cash. The separations were an established part of the magazine's fixed cost, so it was fairly simple to recognize the barter opportunity. Creative traders can also develop new product lines or new ways of doing business that turn Trade Dollars into cash dollars. For example, a parking garage teamed up with an oil change and auto detailing company. Parking customers find it convenient to drop their cars off and not waste time on minor maintenance. The parking garage pays for the work in trade, then charges cash to its customers. With the help of creative trading, the garage owner found a way to offer a new service and generate a new source of cash flow funded completely on barter.
Build in Cash Customers
companies sell products on trade that can be serviced or supplied on
cash. For example, a company sells a binding device on trade but charges
cash for orders of supplies. The supplies can be purchased from other
vendors, but since customers have a business relationship with the
initial company they tend to continue it for the cash business as well.
One way to build in a cash customer is to sell a franchise on trade. A magazine franchise, for example, might sell on trade, then printing and graphic services could be sold to the franchisee for cash. Meanwhile, the trade accepted for the franchise fee could be used for advertising to attract new customers for the franchisee.
Cash Producing Equipment
cash generating equipment with Trade Dollars is another way to bring
Trade Dollars back to cash. One of our clients recently bought a $5,000
colour copier on trade. He deducted the purchase price as a business
expense, and now believes he will be able to earn the full price back in
cash within a year by selling colour copies for cash.
Another client, a paging company, buys pagers made by a Florida company at wholesale prices for Trade Dollars. The paging company marks up the prices, sells the pagers to its customers for cash, then earns cash for the monthly paging service as well. Meanwhile, the Trade Dollars it uses to buy the pagers comes from a line of credit from Contrabart which it repays by selling paging service on trade to other Contrabart clients. Buying more products and equipment are two ways to generate more cash by investing Trade Dollars in a business. A third way is to invest in what represents most businesses' most important asset - its employees. Sales and production incentives can be purchased on trade and tied to cash profits, either through more orders or increased efficiency. Incentives can be either competitive or cooperative. Sales incentives are usually competitive, while production incentives are more frequently cooperative. In either case desirable incentives such as travel, gifts, and dining are usually available for Trade Dollars.
excess inventory, capacity or production to a new market of buyers
locally & worldwide. Then, trade for the Products and Services you
want instead of spending cash to improve cash flow and grow your
It's simple. Barter companies are third party record keepers just like banks and credit card companies. When you join Contrabart, you get a barter trade account, which is much like your business cheque account at your bank except that deposits and payments to your barter account are made with Trade Dollars instead of cash. And, one Trade Dollar = one cash dollar. Unlike direct trading, barter exchange members enjoy multi-party trading, so that when you provide your product or service, you are not limited to receiving the product or service of the person or company you traded with. With your exchange membership, in addition to your cash cheque account at your bank, you will also have your barter cheque account. Each time you spend Trade Dollars instead of cash for the products, services, travel and advertising you need, you conserve cash. And, we will refer new business to you from new customers that you most probably would never have had. With online e-commerce enabled multi-party trading, Mr. Green, the massage therapist, who earned $800 Trade Dollars by filling empty appointment slots with exchange members, can get a new sign for his business from Mr. Blue, the owner of local sign and printing shop, who can trade for office cleaning services from Miss Violet. Miss Violet uses the Trade Dollars she earned from cleaning Mr. Blues shop each week, to get a massage for herself and her husband, keeping them in tip top physical shape for her cleaning business. Most businesses that join a barter exchange can anticipate getting 15% to 20% in additional new sales from buyers referred to you by the exchange that will pay you in Trade Dollars for your products, services, excess inventory or capacity. Then, use your new found revenue from those sales to pay for purchases instead of using cash. The cash savings goes right to your bottom line profits! Get your share of this enormous business potential and Join today!
your buying power with revenue from new sales and conserve your cash.
Use your new found revenue to pay for the products and services you
There are many good reasons why more and more businesses worldwide are bartering their products and services, but underlying them all is one fundamental business motivation; businesses profit. Airlines and restaurants can fill empty seats, hotels and resorts can fill empty rooms, printers can fill press downtime, professionals can fill empty time slots, health care professionals can treat new patients. Business owners and professionals can then take this newfound revenue and reduce cash expenses or expand their operations. Businesses across Australia and the world are taking a serious look at barter as a way to build their bottom line, and the rapid growth of the online barter industry can only mean that Australian business likes what today's barter industry has to offer. Get these benefits and enhance your business potential by joining today: INCREASE SALES: We market your business to other exchange member businesses in the online member directory, weekly email and through our Trade Brokers. Your business gets incremental sales from buyers looking for barter opportunities within the Contrabart network. NEW CASH SALES: The number one source of advertising for small businesses is "word of mouth." If you do a good job for an Contrabart member, they will refer their cash-paying friends, customers, family and other businesses to you. Additionally, barter revenue from the incremental sales that we will bring you can be used for radio, television, print, direct mail, outdoor, online campaigns and other types of advertising to attract more cash customers and build your brand. IMPROVE CASH FLOW: You can improve cash flow by increasing sales and reducing costs. Participating in a barter exchange does both! Barter enables you to pay for the products and services you need with what you have. When you hire a contractor, paint your office, or buy office supplies with Trade Dollars, you conserve your cash to pay other expenses. And, when you purchase using Trade Dollars, you pay for it with revenue from new sales - sales that you probably would never have had. MOVE EXCESS INVENTORY AND FILL IDLE TIME: Every business owner has excess inventory, production, capacity or appointment time. That unscheduled appointment today has zero value tomorrow. When you join Contrabart, we provide you with new business to put your excess to use in profitable ways. We accomplish this by matching your product or service with businesses looking to purchase them on trade. WHOLESALE BUYING POWER: With barter, the actual cost of the products you purchase on trade is the wholesale cost of your Trade Dollars earned. Making sales with built-in profits makes the cost of your purchases more economical on trade. When you join Contrabart, you open the door to a new, cash-free way of handling every day business and personal expenses. PROVIDES A COMPETITIVE EDGE: Contrabart members will patronize your business over the competition because your barter affiliation is an incentive to do business with you. Barter attracts new customers to your business, without affecting the existing cash sales already being generated by your company. NO BAD DEBT: We eliminate collections. When you make a barter sale to a Contrabart member, you process the transaction using a touch tone phone or online postings to verify that the buyer has the Trade Dollars available to pay for their purchase. COLLECT RECEIVABLES: A small business might find it difficult to pay you the cash they owe, but would welcome the opportunity to full fill their obligation with payment in products or services. Contrabart members can then offer these goods and services to members for Trade Dollars which get deposited to your barter account for the balance you were owed. Your non collectable receivable just became revenue that can be spent on a variety of business expenses. EMPLOYEES INCENTIVES: By using exchange member dentists, you can provide a much appreciated benefit to employees without having to pay cash for it. Barter is also a great way to offer contest prizes, bonuses, wellness programs and tickets - all available to you without using cash, and all based on your cost of the incremental business that we have brought you.
Buying Real Estate
estate provides excellent opportunities to invest Trade Dollars into
real estate that will generate cash profits in the long term. Real
estate isn't a particularly liquid asset, but real estate becomes more
valuable over time and provides an excellent inflation hedge and tax
shelter. Since Trade Dollars come from selling surplus or from
additional new business and have a low incremental cash cost, many
investors find that they can be more aggressive in pursuing investments
such as real estate.
Because Contrabart members can earn Trade Dollars without significantly affecting cash flow, investors can buy speculative properties and wait for values to go up. In some cases, it's even possible to walk away with a pocket full of cash. Even if the investor is forced to sell at a paper loss, the sale can still represent a cash profit. Here's how it works. Let's say a business has an incremental cost of 35 percent in its Trade Dollars. The business owner buys a property for $500,000 with 30% Trade Dollars (T$150,000 + $350,000 cash), so the total cash cost in the property is $402,500. If he sells the property for $455,000 cash, he has still doubled his cash investment while reporting a $45,000 loss on his taxes. The ATO doesn't care whether you pay for the property in cash or Trade Dollars. The reportable loss is still the same. Trade Mortgages You can still buy real estate, including property, homes, units, even though you don't have sufficient trade available to pay for it. Trade exchange members have recently purchased units in Sydney, townhouses in Southport, waterfront acreage at Hervey Bay, an office building in Brisbane, and a resort in tropical North Queensland. These transactions ranged from $300,000 to over $4 million. Typically, the buyer paid between 25-30% part payment in Contrabart Trade Dollars. Where the member didn't have sufficient Trade Dollars the balance was financed with a trade mortgage, just like in the cash world. Contrabart makes interest free Trade Dollar mortgages available to qualified buyers of real estate, where the repayments are paid in Trade Dollars over a period of time of up to 5 years interest free. You provide your products or service to members and deposit the Trade Dollars into your account. Even better, Contrabart brokers refer the new business you need to make the payments, and online sales can enable you to pay off the property even faster. It's that simple. A recent property sold was a luxury Townhouse in Sydney. The property market in Sydney was slow so the developer decided to sell the property accepting Trade Dollars as part payment. Because he had a need for the Trade Dollars, he was willing to take 30% of his equity in the Townhouse in Trade Dollars. The asking price was $500,000. The equity of $150,000 was paid in Trade Dollars; the balance of $350,000 was paid by obtaining financing with a bank mortgage. An example of creative trading would be for the buyer to apply for 80% financing of the $500,000 and get a $400,000 mortgage to purchase the house. The seller only requires $350,000 in cash to pay off his indebtedness, leaving an excess of $50,000 cash that the buyer keeps. The buyer also makes a down payment of 20% of the trade mortgage, $30,000 in trade, leaving a trade mortgage of $120,000. This can be paid in product or service of approximately $2,000/month for five years interest free. Bottom line is, the house can be bought for trade and cash, and the buyer walks away with $50,000 in cash and lives in or rents the house for five years. The house can then be sold for at least $500,000 plus capital gains of say 20% which would make the property worth $600,000. Pay off the remaining cash mortgage of approximately $400,000, and walk away with another $200,000 in cash. If you are interested in creative trading that turns Trade Dollars into cash, let us know. Then the next time a deal comes along, you'll be the first to know.
Contrabart has partnered with VirtualBarter, the online leader in worldwide barter and trade, to provide you with the ultimate online global trade marketplace and trade account management system. Through its Barter Network, Enterprise Exchanges, vBarter Software and Corporate Trade Group, VirtualBarter empowers trade exchanges, companies and organizations throughout the world with the invaluable benefits of enabling their members and clients to trade their under utilized production, capacity and inventories in an online global trade marketplace. The Global Trade Alliance is comprised of numerous independent barter exchanges and thousands of small to midsize businesses that trade through them. The alliance features national and international trade associations, specialized business magazines, publications, media companies and online business communities each having their own branded customizable barter and trade exchange, all which collaborate in the global trade marketplace. Utilizing vBarter state of the art Internet based software, Contrabart members are empowered to manage, merchandise, and market their products and services to an integrated worldwide network of trading partners and to purchase from trade exchange members throughout the world. Built from the ground up as an Internet based trading and trade banking system, vBarter brought to you by Contrabart is all you'll ever need to run and manage your trade account. Your membership in Contrabart enables you to collaborate in an open global network of tens of thousands of members at independent exchanges and trade with each other utilizing your own trade dollars via automated transparent exchange offset currency processing between exchanges. Contrabart, enhancing your trading experience with by far, the most advanced system available in the barter industry, backed by VirtualBarter, a team you can count on! |
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